Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Obsession with Gluten-Free Cookies, or I'VE COME UNGLUTENED

I have a problem. I can't stop making gluten-free cookies from my friend MiaHalf's recipe's here. They are ridiculously freakin good to eat.

This is a problem for the following reason:

It's easy to convince myself they are healthy since they contain no wheat or white sugar, and are rich in nuts and fruits. They still contain sugar in the form of molasses or honey. Probably more than I should be ingesting when I convince myself that these cookies constitute a meal.

Unfortunately, I also have several friends and co-workers who don't or can't eat wheat due to allergies or disease or just diet choice, so I tell myself I'm doing something nice for them. However, I usually eat most of the cookies myself.

The ones pictured above were a slight variation on the apricot almond cookies, using dates instead of apricots. These were my boyfriend's favourite.

My favourite are these molasses macaroons. My last batch burnt a little :( They are not as sweet as normal cookies, and the bonus is that they have nutritional value (other than just sugar). This results in them actually making you feel full, so there's no chance you'll eat a whole bag of them and still feel hungry. Their affects on my figure remain to be seen...

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